1st day of animation mentor

here it goes, animation mentor started yesterday with the first class "Basic foundations".

My mentor is josh book.

I didn't meet him yet but he is animator/creative director at Electronic Arts and also work for nickelodeon as a freelance artist (check out his website at http://www.joshbook.com/)

I'm in a classroom with people coming from all over the world it's really exciting!

i'll share some work as soon as possible :)


Et voila c'est parti pour la premiere classe.

Mon prof s'appelle Josh Book, il est directeur d'animation/directeur artistique a Electronique Arts et travaille en freelance chez Nickelodeon. (http://www.joshbook.com)

j'ai dans ma classe des gens du monde entier et c'est génial!

Je mettrais en ligne mon travail aussi vite que possible


Hi there!

Hey everybody,

My name is Sébastien Tiffon i'm an animator from France. Currently waiting for my first term at www.animationmentor.com (which begin this monday!!), i'll use this blog to share my work, and everything else ^^

Sorry for my french friends, this blog will be in english :)

well see ya on Monday :)

Edit: je ferais une traduc en français egalement pour les anglophobes ^^